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The future has always been of interest to me as I plan to spend the rest of my life there. (Anon)



MoneyTargets is a unique reference site for individuals who are Employed - Self-Employed or Retired. MT provides information and guidance on Financial & Employment Contracts - the key areas that actually control the most important aspects of our lives. 

You may be Employed or Self-Employed - working for a large or a small employer- or perhaps for a UK or an Overseas agency. You may even be retired. But whatever your occupation or employment status - you’ll probably have an existing or a former Employment Contract with someone or other. You’re also likely to have some Financial Contracts relating to your Savings your Pension and your Life Insurance - and maybe you also have a Loan or a Mortgage and perhaps some Health Insurance. 

So how do these contracts actually "control" us? That's easy. The terms or "ingredients" of Employment and Financial contracts either channel us in a particular direction - or prevent us from doing what we might want to do. In fact most decisions you make concerning your Work your Savings and your Pension - are actually governed by Employment or Financial  legislation.  If you want to be able to exercise any personal control over these important areas of your life - then you need to know how everything works - which is where MoneyTargets can help you.

MT places you "in-control" - by giving you essential information on Financial and Employment contracts and how they work and “interact” together. Once you're familiar with  MoneyTargets you won't be controlled by "experts" whenever you face important decisions. Instead you'll be able to take decisive action yourself over the things that really matter to you. 

MT shows you how you can plan your financial affairs by identifying your own specific "money-targets" and then allocating "affordable" amounts to each one. When you build a "savings" or a "debt-management" programme this way - it's a lot easier because the whole thing is divided into easily-managed "chunks" - so you're not tackling everything at once.

Click on News Alert to give you an idea of the 'flavour' and concept of the site. Or go straight to My Targets to identify your own "money-targets". If you like a consumer-driven approach you'll like MoneyTargets - and best of all the experience will cost you absolutely nothing.

MoneyTargets is available from Employers, and will soon be available from several other outlets. Find out what you need to know about Savings and Loans, Budgeting and Credit Cards, Pensions and Retirement - and Learn Free with MT - wherever you see the logo.


" I am the Master of my fate - I am the Captain of my soul "

(William Ernest Henley - 1849 - 1903)


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