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                 PENSION  CONTRACTS (1)


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Pension Contracts - Quick Search

Pension Contracts covers many issues relevant to people with different financial circumstances. If you're already saving in some form of pension arrangement you may want to see how pensions A-Day changes affect you. On the other hand if you want to know more about pensions generally - you could start with About Pensions.

Pensions - Why Bother?

Before you read about specific Pension Contracts - why not first think about your Holidays. Why? Well unless you're about to retire soon - or say within the next few years - any talk about Pensions - including Defined Benefits - Defined Contributions - Final Salary Schemes - Contracting-In - or Contracting-Out - will probably leave you stone cold. That's not surprising since most of us close our minds to things that don't directly concern us - particularly when we have other priorities - like the mortgage - the car - the bank-loan or the holidays - to name just a few.

However most people will move heaven and earth - or will certainly go to extreme lengths to protect their holiday-entitlements. But then of course the word "holiday" sounds much more exciting than the word "pension" - so try to imagine how you'd feel if your Summer Holiday was "cancelled" next year.

Impossible. Couldn't happen. In any case you've got Holiday Insurance - right? But what about next year's holiday - and the following year - and the year after that? Well the thing about Holiday Insurance is that you've got to actually book the holiday in the first place - before you can get any insurance against it being cancelled.

So it might surprise you to learn that the latest survey figures show that from around 26 million people currently "in-work" - over 11 million people have no private pension arrangements. This means they appear to be relying entirely on the State system to fund their retirement years - including their Annual Holidays. Basically what these people are doing is "gambling" that they'll be able to afford an annual holiday - plus pay for all their other living expenses - out of a retirement income that could be less than 25% of today's Average Weekly Earnings - currently £482 a week for a man or £373 a week for a woman. (see Tax & Social Security Link)

If you don't want to be one of them - and to be honest who would - you might be interested in Pension Contracts for spenders - that's people who like to spend their money as well as save it - but who make sure they book their Holiday/s in advance.

If you are affected - or you believe you may be affected by the new "A-Day" rules you should contact your Employer or a Financial Adviser as soon as possible

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