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                 Money Saving Ideas from MoneyTargets - LEARN FREE with MT - MoneyTargets provides Free Information & Advice on Savings & Loans, Budgeting & Credit Cards, Pensions & Retirement - LEARN FREE with MT - NO ADVERTS - NO SELLING - JUST FACTS


How Safe is my Money? In trying to answer this question extensive research by the Government shows that the vast majority of UK workers are losing-out in their efforts to create a financially secure future for themselves and their families. Headline news stories tell of stock-market and pension fund losses for some -  whilst others seem to enjoy "untouchable" rights to future financial prosperity. How can these things be true? Is everyone "losing-out" or just some of us...? And perhaps more to the point - can anything be done about it?

The thousands of people who have recently lost their jobs or perhaps their life-savings - blame Equitable Life or Company Closures, or Pension Scheme Failures - or terrorist actions for their financial misfortunes. Whilst this is understandable - the painful truth is that anyone without an "escape-route" or a "financial plan" to cover emergencies - is in a potentially  risky situation. And if you don't recognise when you are  "financially vulnerable" - how can you take the necessary action to protect yourself?  

Government concerns over our future financial security have apparently pin-pointed the real reason why so many of us are financially vulnerable. It seems we don't know enough about financial matters generally - and our savings are inadequate. We therefore need "guidance" on how to go about setting realistic money targets......!


The Government has therefore taken a series of initiatives - designed to raise people's general awareness in regard to "all things financial". New Employment and Financial legislation now gives  people more protection at work - and a "safety-net" has been established by way of the Pensions Protection Fund in order to protect people's long-term savings. Prompted by the latest initiatives from the Treasury - BWAOK has launched MoneyTargets - a Free "money-guidance" website to help you to benefit from the new legislation.

MoneyTargets represents a major change in the way that Financial and Employment information can now be made available in the workplace. If you are an Employee MoneyTargets gives you the opportunity to have your say on the decisions your Employer makes about the financial and employment matters that affect you within your working environment. Whatever your employment circumstances - and even if you are retired or about to retire - MoneyTargets can make a difference to the way you view and handle your finances.

MoneyTargets provides both constructive and informative guidance on many aspects of Financial and Employment Contracts and is available from Employers and will soon be available from several other outlets. Find out what you need to know about Savings and Loans, Budgeting, Pensions and Retirement, and Learn Free with MT -

Click on a Photo-Link to access the MoneyTargets site.

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Money Saving Ideas from MoneyTargets  - LEARN FREE with MT - MoneyTargets provides Free Information & Advice on Savings &  Loans, Budgeting & Credit Cards, Pensions & Retirement - LEARN FREE with MT - NO ADVERTS - NO SELLING - JUST FACTS